Sunday, December 4, 2011


For this assignment, I decided to search for some Web 2.0 tools that I would possibly incorporate in my research project. I still wanted the tool to utilize some form of music while allowing for my students to become interactive with their projects. After a good two hours of searching, I ran across a pretty good tool called VUVOX. This tool allows individuals to turn their collection of photos and videos into an interactive storyline. 

Once their product is completed, students would have the ability to publish them on social networks, blogs, or any typical site. The collage version of VUVOX is the first setting I choose to use because I immediately became amazed as to how pictures and videos added were easily manipulated to create a timeline during the presentation. Once pictures and videos are uploaded onto my media for the site, it becomes a simple click and drag to add them to the canvas. You can also rotate,resize, merge images, and create a hotspot of internet tags for quick access. You can also add comments to each image and video if desired. The project that you see are photos of individuals that mean the world to me, which also includes every single student I teach! 

After you have completed your entry of pictures and videos, you may also add background music to make the visuals even more enjoyable. The audio files can be upload from all mp3. tools including itunes.

I plan on using this Web 2.0 tool by giving students a way of presenting their finished product to the world. The background music will include the actual composition/arrangement they designed and the pictures and/or videos will show their process of developing the project from start to finish. Also, they will take pictures of their finished products, page by page, and post them to the site.
Blogs to you later........

1 comment:

  1. Vovux seems to be a pretty inclusive and useful tool. I like your idea of incorporating Vovux into your AR project by allowing students to showcase their finished projects. Students who see photos of their personal journey have the opportunity to see how much they have grown and learned. Great idea.
