Saturday, July 28, 2012

WK 4 Response - Tracy Myers

Friday, July 27, 2012

Week 4 Reading- Art of Possibility

My take away from the chapters this week- Chapter 9 Lighting a Spark- to inspire people to get on board with your ideas you must show a certain type of passion when meeting with them. Communicating this passion in your talking and actions demonstrates willingness for others to want to help in any way they can.   The energy will be magnetic and almost magical.  Chapter 10 Being the Board- accepting the choices I have made effect my life. Also realizing that life is a journey.  Playing the blame game does not help you it keeps you looking in the past.  Things that took place in the past you cannot change or have control over any more so you have to move forward with your life. Chapter 11 Creating Frameworks for Possibilities- creating a vision that stands around all possibilities.  Chapter 12 Telling the WE Story- This chapter was my absolute favorite from this week because it truly takes the focus off of “I” factor.  I like that the authors  centered the conversations to help us include ourselves in the problem solving for the issues that we face instead of pointing fingers or trying to be self centered (as we can sometimes be) by making everything all about “me”. 

      It use to be people genuinely cared about other people because you were raised that way, but as family dynamics have changed so has the cultures/values changed... too the selfishness. This is ever presently seen in the classroom with my students, in the office among my co-workers, staff/faculty (friends) even within the family dynamics.  Often when I reflect in my journal each day after work I notice that my observations of the day are quite different from my teammates.  I believe what contributes to those differences in our observations has to be from our personal values  and beliefs.  I look at the "We" in and my teammate often centers all situations around the "me" or "I" factor. I am more hopeful that situations can be resolved by working together to reach a resolution whereas my teammate can only see things from a pointed view. 


David Middlebrook said...
You are so true in your statements about the self centeredness of our society and how it has crept into everything. Until we can accept the fact that we need each other to be involved in decision making processes, our world will not change. Pointing fingers only stirs up the pot and causes resentment and sometimes chaos. I hope that you are able to help create that spark for your teammate.
allawishes1906 said...
Hey Tracy,

I also thought that the 12th chapter really stuck out the most. We are so caught up in the “I” factor and trying to be competitive, we overlook what “We” can accomplish by working together as a unit. There are so many goals that could be reached if your teammates can look beyond their differences and work together. Now I can admit that I am one that normally plays the blame game before finally realizing that it’s the wrong approach (Thank you Zander). I have to remove my calculating self and start analyzing why things are place “on my board” and how to overcome those issues in a positive manner. I hope that things turn out positive with you and your teammates!


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