Sunday, July 29, 2012

WK4 - Wimba Session

This Wimba session discussed the amazing book “The Art of Possibility”. I really enjoyed reading the book, which is usually not the case when reading is assigned. I’ve never become so into a book to where I crave for a follow up. It has opened my eyes to a lot of personal and professional issues that can easily become manageable if I approach in a different manner. Becoming the board, overcoming my calculating self and remaining optimistic about all possibilities in life instead of having tunnel vision to my typical actions are my new goals. I’ve never had a chance to read “The Power of Positive Thinking” or “The Secret” but if they are as enlightening as The Art of Possibility I think I’ll go ahead and check them out. My favorite chapter has to be between “Rule Number 6” and “Telling the WE story”. It actually was pretty difficult selecting a specific chapter since all of them were highly enlightening. I’m just going to say that all chapters are my favorite! The Art of Possibility is a life-altering read that I will not only utilize with teaching, but my everyday interaction with every individual I come in contact with.  I will continue to have a positive attitude, refrain from taking myself so seriously, and try to create a spark within those who continue to use their calculating selves.

I am getting excited about submitting my leadership project to the journals I chose this month. I really hope they take a good look at my article and at least entertain publishing it. I am slightly nervous about moving into the final month of this program. Seems like we still have a lot to accomplish within a short amount of time. A 10 minute video will be fun to complete but I just hope my crazy time schedule allows me to have a chance to sign up for a slot. Mention of the question and answer portion during the slots almost gave me a heart attack until Professor Bustillos specified we wont have to defend our project! Whew! I can’t wait until the end of next month! 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for reviewing the archive and I'm so glad that the book spoke so much to you. Good luck with your leadership project adventure and please keep us in the loop as you move forward.
